Double-sided tapes are coated on both sides with adhesive. Depending on the article, they are suited to produce durable and extremely strong bonds between different materials (e.g. glass, metal, plastics, paper / cardboard, wood or ceramics). These tapes are the first choice for self-adhesive finishing, splicing, carpet laying, and many other applications.

These tapes are used in the construction of vehicles (car, truck, bus) for mounting many components (e.g. model names, roof spoiler, sills, roof antenna and sidebars). The removable tapes are used at trade shows to ensure a safe carpet laying. These tapes can be removed at the end of the show without leaving any residues. Use these tapes to substitute traditional connection methods such as rivets, screws or welding.

Our standard products*

Article Description Width [mm] Colors
  60000 DS PP Tape 50 transparent
  63000 DS Cloth Tape, permanent 50 white
  63300 DS Cloth Tape, removable 25; 38; 50 white
  65000 Non-woven Tape, 110 µm 50 translucent
  68900 PE-Foam Tape, 800 µm 25 black

Our standard range includes products which are permanently on stock and available in usual amounts at short notice.
Our complete program includes more than 200 various tapes which are aligned to a variety of applications.
